Jenny (Jiani) Xue

Hello! I am a Ph.D. Candidate in the Marketing Department at The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.

My research falls into two general domains: Consumer-generated content and the psychology of new technology. For example, in my job market paper I explore how consumers photograph products for positive versus negative reviews and how this impacts their perceived helpfulness. In another paper I investigate the extent to which consumers accurately predict how their emotional expressions in reviews are perceived by others.

In addition, my research on the psychology of technology largely focuses on consumer interactions with algorithms. In one project, for example, I investigate whether marketers can use the “wisdom of the crowd” to increase consumers’ adoption of complex algorithms like ensemble models. In other work I investigate the effects of consumers’ prompting strategies when using large language models.

Previously, I received my Masters in Behavioral and Decision Science at the University of Pennsylvania and my B.A. in Philosophy from New York University. Prior to starting the Ph.D., I was a Research Data Analyst at Stanford University's Environmental Change and Human Outcomes Lab, and a Market Analyst at Zhenfund (a top venture capital firm in China).

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